All Natural Water Treatment
Spa Marvel All Natural Water Treatment & Conditioner is an environmentally-friendly product that can reduce and eliminate the need for many of the chemicals used in traditional spa water treatment.
The Sundance Spa Store is proud to be an authorized supplier of Spa Marvel, the all natural hot tub water treatment!
Spa Marvel® is compatible with all Sundance Spas and works with the ClearRay UV-C Water Purification System, Sun-Boom and our MicroClean Filters to make hot tub water care a breeze.
- Firstly, using this product reduces or eliminates cases of itching, rashes & that can be associated with hot tubs.
- Secondly, Spa Marvel will help to prevent foaming.
- In addition, Spa Marvel minimizes scale build up from occurring within the spa’s plumbing.
- This all natural water treatment prevents scum lines from forming.
- Regular use of Spa Marvel will Improve filter efficiency.
- Spa Marvel enhances chemical treatment. For example, You will use considerably less sanitizer to maintain levels than you would without Spa Marvel®.
- Spa Marvel use means less chemical wear and tear on hot tub covers, jets and equipment.
- Supports optimal water balance. The ongoing need to adjust pH and alkalinity is greatly decreased and in many cases entirely eliminated.
- Use of Spa Marvel conditions hot tub water for sensitive skin. People with eczema and psoriasis love using Spa Marvel® as it often improves their condition by alleviating skin irritations.
- Spa Marvel All Natural Water Treatment softens and moisturizes skin.
- Allows for less frequent water changes. By using less chemicals than one would without Spa Marvel®, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) levels doesn’t increase as dramatically, resulting in the ability to go longer between water changes than usual.
- Additionally, this product is gentle to skin and hair.
- One bottle of Spa Marvel treats your Sundance hot tub for 3 months at a time.
- Spa Marvel leaves water so soft and clean you won’t feel the need to shower after using your spa!
- Spa Marvel’s 100% Money Back Guarantee ensures that if you are less than completely satisfied, you will get your money back!

Come into any of our locations (Burlington, Hamilton, Mississauga, Oakville, St. Catharines & Vaughan) for more information on our full range of Spa Marvel products and how they can help keep your Sundance hot tub water clean and clear with the minimum amount of effort.