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One question that is often asked when people see our Four Season Mini Pool Swim Spas is “Can you really swim in them?” and the answer is a resounding Yes!

The Sundance Spa Store’s range of exclusive Mini Pool Swim Spas include a number of sizes and models that offer a variety of ways to swim whether you are just a beginner or highly trained athlete.

Swimming in a Mini Pool / Swim Spa gives you a great cardio workout and the buoyancy of the Swim Spa relieves all the pressure from your joints so you burn almost as many calories as you would going for a run without all the impact on your bones & joints. Our Mini Pools are suitable for hot or cold plunge swimming and kids splash and play.

They are also effective rehabilitation tools and can help maintain mobility in your later years as you exercise supported by the buoyancy of the warm water. Our Mini Pools can also be used for water walking, water Pilates, stretching or yoga.

This blog will detail the swim options available in our Four Season Mini Pool Swim Spas.

Resistance Swim

Our Sun Plunge Swim Spas come equipped with a Swim Tether which harnesses the power of resistance training to enhance your stationary swim (or aqua walk).

The Swim Tether is used for swimming in place and consists of a long elastic cord (similar to a bungee cord) which attaches at one end to a built-in anchor while the other end attaches to the swimmer’s waist. The waist harness helps maintain your body position, and the anchor provides reassurance that you can swim or workout at high intensity without fear of hitting the end of the pool.

Resistance swimming is suitable for all levels of swimmer. If you are just beginning to swim, the support and stability the tether provides will help you stay centered while swimming so you can focus on learning the basics.

Swimming in a fixed position is also great for stronger swimmers to improve technique and strength. Swim tethers are widely used by swim teams as a performance enhancing tool as a swim tether not only helps with stroke technique but also helps develop “muscle memory” which is the ability to repeat a pattern of muscle use.

Training with a swim tether is beneficial to a wide range of people as water-based work outs have less impact on your joints and help to build muscle strength quickly. Swim tethers are also commonly used for rehabilitation from injuries.

The Sun Plunge and Sun Splash models are equipped with two anchors as standard.  One at each end of the pool. The second anchor gives you the option to connect a boogie board so you can do some barrel rolls!

Jet Propulsion Swim

Our Sun Splash pools are equipped both with a swim tether and also feature two Oval Slip Stream Jets and a Buoyancy Jet for an incredible swimming experience.

Swim Jets

The Splash series Swim Jets are engineered to turn over a high volume of water with a flow that is both predictable and non-turbulent. This flow of water pushes against your body as you swim, holding you in a fixed position much like doing laps in a swimming pool or lap pool.

The vast pool area of a Four Season Mini Pool allows enough space for the leg kicking and arm movement needed for freestyle, butterfly and even breaststroke without fear of hitting the sides of the pool or kicking the walls or floor.

This non-turbulent swim current gives you the ability to focus on your stroke technique and enjoy the fluidity of the swim current adjusted to your personal swim level. Air can be added to the Swim Jets to provide extra power for more advanced swimmers, and the buoyancy jet helps keep you afloat as you swim.

Here are 5 things that make for a great swim in the Splash Series:

  1.  Pump Design Our pumps are positioned as close to the Swim Jets as possible. The closer the pumps are to the jets the more volume of water is produced and this leads to a superior swim performance.
  2. Plumbing Design – Our Swim Spas are built with oversized plumbing from the suctions to the jets to provide a balanced flow rate to the swimmer.
  3. Swim Jet Technology – Our High Flow Slip Stream Oval Jets flatten and directs the water to increase predictability – Similar to a diffuser on a hair dryer.
  4. Current Control Adjustability –  It is important to be able to dial up the swim level for different swimmers, and it is even more important to dial both swim jets up or down at the same time and speed. Our Swim Spas are plumbed in such a way as to effortlessly provide an even flow of water to swim against
  5.  Swim Tank Design – The design of our swim tanks is such that you have a smooth swim with no back splash. The “Hips” in our shell create an eddy current and stops the back splash from happening. Our Mini Pools are constructed with a wide and deep channel not only for comfort but also to decrease turbulence and increase predictability.

Want to find out more about our Four Season Mini Pool Swim Spas? Come in and see us and our team will gladly give you a demo.

Although seeing these pools in person is great, to really get an idea of how much fun they can be you need to take the plunge and try them out. Contact your nearest store and arrange a wet test so you can experience a Four Season Mini Pool in person!