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Sundance Spas Patented Fluidix® jets were co-developed with Bowles Fluidics Corp, global leaders in fluid dynamics and experts in the movement of liquids and gases.

Fluidix® jets operate without bearings that can clog or parts that wear out, combining air and water to create highly refined massage sensations. Each jet is positioned to reach pressure points used in reflexology and acupressure so stress and strain can be a distant memory.

Even if you don’t know the difference between Swedish massage and Shiatsu, you’ll be enchanted by the variety of massage combinations Sundance® spas deliver. Every Fluidix®; jet is assigned a distinct role, uniquely designed to simulate a specific massage action. Air-only jet streams feel like delicate fingers massaging soft tissues. Other jets act more like strong hands deeply kneading large muscles. Some even mimic the rapid, stimulating techniques of Eastern massage therapies.

Regardless of which Fluidix® jet combination you call your favorite, you can get the most from your Sundance® spa.

Percussive Therapy

The latest innovation in the Fluidix jet collection is the PT or Percussive Therapy Jet – Exclusive to Sundance Spas 880 Series hot tubs.

Fluidix PT Jets alternate powerful, percussive streams of water to give you a deep-tissue massage to relieve muscle tension, The Percussive Therapy Jet stimulates back-and-forth “punches” of air and water that mimic the action of handheld massage guns. You can easily rotate the jet face a full 360 degrees to pinpoint specific muscles in the back for a completely personalized massage.

Accu-Ssage Massage Seat

The customer favourite Accu-Ssage Massage seat is designed to stimulate vital acupressure points, releasing strain and alleviating discomfort.

Sports Therapy Seat

Configured specifically to relieve tension and reduce muscle soreness in the neck, shoulders and back.

Swedish Style Massage

Swedish style massage creates a deeply relaxing sensation with its distinctive kneading motion.

Full Body Massage

Full Body Massage Therapy combines Swedish massage with a soft-tissue massage in the legs to soothe the lower body.

Deep Tissue Massage

These jets apply slow, broad strokes and firm pressure to reach the deepest muscle layers.

Each of out ergonomically designed seats offers a unique massage experience, with jets precisely placed to target different muscle groups. Choose the perfect seat and relax and the warm water embraces you.

To find out more about our patented and proprietary jets and therapy and to discover which Sundance Spas model is just right for you, come in and speak with one of our professional consultants at any of our locations (Burlington, Hamilton, Mississauga, Oakville, St. Catharines & Vaughan).

All of our stores have hot tubs filled and running so you can put your hands in and feel the jets in action, or book a wet test so you can experience the Sundance difference for yourself!