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Spa Accessories Enhance Your Hot Tub Experience

Add functionality and elegance to your hot tub. Spa accessories such as hot tub covers, steps, and cover lifters can make your hot tub more versatile and convenient to use.

The Sundance® Spa Store has a wide selection of hot tub steps in different shapes and sizes to fit all of the Sundance® Spas hot tub models.

All of our hot tub steps are made to compliment the synthetic cabinetry on your Sundance® Spa and are resistant to weather and UV rays which means no more staining or painting your old wooden step. We keep many steps in stock, so you can choose one at the time of your hot tub purchase or add one at a later date.

Cover Lifter mate

Hot Tub Cover Lifters

Hot Tub Cover Lifters are a very practical addition to your Sundance Spa, making it easier to open and close your hot tub cover. We carry high quality and functional Cover Lifters so you you can choose the one best suited to your needs and space requirements. One of our most popular Cover Lifters is the Hydraulic Lifter, which is the perfect answer when clearance behind the spa is an issue as it requires just 8″ of space behind the spa and 5″ on either side.

Fragrance Crystals

Spazazz Fragrance Crystals are also available to add beautiful aromas to any hot tub. Simply add 2 or 3 capfuls, sit back, and relax as fragrances such as Pina Colada, Tropical Rain, Eucalyptus Mint, Honey Mango & Ocean Breeze work their magic.

We also stock Spazazz Escape & Rx Therapy crystals so you can soak in vitamins, and enjoy fragrances such as White Musk Vanilla Jasmine, Verbena Lime Coconut, Pomegranate, and Lavender Palmarosa.

Another popular item in our hot tub accessories line is SunScents™ aromatherapy. SunScents beads work with the SilentAir Injectors to add fragrance to the air bubbles of your 880 or 980 series hot tub. With fragrances such as  Bubble Gum, White Tea & Sage, Coastal Wildflowers & Lavender SunScents add a wonderful fragrance to your hot tub and boost your enjoyment of it.

Hot Tub Steps
Hot Tub Cover Lifters
Hot Tub Covers

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