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Make It Easy With a Hot Tub Cover Lift

The Sundance® Spa Store offers a selection of hot tub cover lifters that makes it almost effortless to remove your hot tub cover. Built well to work smoothly and efficiently, these cover lifters are available for most Sundance hot tubs, large or small, square or round. Besides the cover lifters, we also carry Cover Caps and Secure Locking Systems to provide additional protection from the elements.

Hydraulic Lifter

Gas shock mechanisms on the Hydraulic Lifter make opening your Sundance hot tub very easy. The mounting brackets, tubing, and full bar construction provide superior strength. This lifter includes a locking system that prevents your cover from falling.
The space-saving design of the Hydraulic Lifter makes it ideal for spas housed in gazebos or when space behind the hot tub is limited, with only 8" of space required behind the hot tub, and 5" on each side.


The Boomerang is a convenient, easy to use cover lifter. Using a dual shock system, it lifts the cover and places it behind the spa - providing you with a clean visual line which allows you to see your backyard, socialize with guests and keep an eye on any children or pets while you are using your Sundance Spa. Requires 24" of clearance behind the spa and 5" of clearance on each side for the mounting brackets.

Manual Lifter

Our Manual Lifter helps you remove your hot tub cover with ease. The practical and efficient Manual Lifter can be attached to most Sundance hot tubs and needs as little as 15” clearance behind the spa.

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