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About the Alicia

Sale Price: $10,599 or $55 Bi-Weekly O.A.C.

MSRP: $10,600

Includes: Delivery + Set-up, Cover, Water Care Kit & More!

This compact, low-profile hot tub has room for 2-3 people. The Sundance Alicia™ is manufactured to the same high standards that customers have come to expect from Sundance Spas, and has a price point you will love!

At 69″ x 80″ x 33″h the Sundance Alicia will fit nicely in any location. It will look fantastic on a deck, patio or balcony, or any limited space you may have. The Sundance Alicia will be the focal point of your backyard as you entertain friends and family.

Sit back in the comfortable Muskoka chair-style lounge seat and let the combination of back, calf, and foot jets melt the stress and strain away.

With a total of 21 hydrotherapy jets in 3 varieties, the Sundance Alicia provides a great massage and features an air control, so you can adjust the power of the jets.

You can add to the relaxing atmosphere by turning on the  multi-colored LED interior lights, and white LED exterior lights.

The Sundance Alicia can be plugged into a standard electrical outlet for easy installation, so there is no electrical work required, simply plug n’ play! If you decide at a later stage that you would rather have the hot tub hardwired, it is easily convertible to 240v.

Water care is easy with the Sundance Alicia, as the groundbreaking ClearRay UV-C Water Purification System is included as standard.

Enjoy all the benefits of a Sundance hot tub, without taking up a ton of space with the 680 Series Alicia!


  • ClearRay® UV-C Water Purification System
  • Patented Dual Stage MicroClean Mini Filtration
  • Rigid Bond™ Shell Construction – 5 Colours
  • SunStrong Maintenance Free Cabinetry – 2 Colours
  • 1 x 2 Speed Hydrotherapy Jet Pump
  • Stainless Steel Heater
  • 21 Hydrotherapy Jets In 3 Varieties
  • Multi-Colour LED Lighting
  • Stainless Steel Jet Trim
  • iTouch Digital Controls
  • 1 Air Control
  • Contoured Pillow Headrests
  • 5-Year Shell Structure Warranty
  • 3-Year Shell Surface Warranty
  • 3-Year Plumbing Warranty
  • 3-Year Equipment & Controls Warranty
  • 1-Year Cabinet Warranty
  • Optional SmartTub™ Cellular Control System
  • 120 VAC @ 15A (Plug And Play) Or 240 VAC @ 30A or 40A (Hard Wired)


Seats2 - 3
Dimensions6'8" X 5'9" X 33" (203 cm x 175 cm x 84 cm)
Spa Volume210 US Gal (795 Litres)
Total Jets21 Jets (3 Varieties)

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