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About the Edison®

Sale Price: $14,999 or $79 Bi-Weekly O.A.C.

MSRP: $16,200

Includes: Electrical Package, Premium SunStrong Cover, Cover Lifter, Step, Delivery & Water Care Kit!

The Sundance® Spa Store invites you to take a moment to immerse in total relaxation. That’s what happens when an Edison™ hot tub becomes a part of your life. You will feel better, move better & sleep better!

With seating for 6-7 people in ergonomically designed seating which includes a cool-down seat, this 7-foot square, 36-inch deep Sundance Hot Tub provides the therapeutic benefits you crave at a price point that will suit your budget!

The Edison has a total of 36 hydrotherapy jets in various therapy seats that each massage aching muscles in a unique way to provide you with the relief and relaxation you deserve. All jets on the Edison have Stainless Steel face plates that beautifully accentuate the multi-color glow from the LED lighting.

The Edison is also compatible with the optional SmartTub Cellular Control System, which gives you the opportunity to monitor and control your hot tub from anywhere with your smartphone or tablet.

This low-maintenance spa comes with ClearRay UV-C Water Purification as standard, as well as the patented two-part MicroClean Mini Filtration system to make keeping your water clean and clear nice, and easy with the minimum amount of chemicals and effort.

With eco-friendly features such as full insulation, RigidBond Construction, Secure Harness Plumbing, and Energy Efficient Jet Pumps, The Edison is loaded with features that will enhance your hot tub experience without using a lot of energy.

Check out what some Sundance Spas customers have to say about their Edison:

“I am active for my age, but feeling the aches that go with the busy lifestyle. At the end of the day, this is just what I need to feel relaxed and ready to go the next day. So happy I made this decision!” – Patti

“Recently bought the Sundance Edison, and it’s been a terrific purchase. Gives us the feel of a luxury spa at a reasonable price” – ECDad


  • ClearRay® UV-C Water Purification System
  • Patented Dual Stage MicroClean Mini Filtration
  • Rigid Bond™ Shell Construction – 5 Colours
  • SunStrong® Maintenance Free Cabinetry – 2 Colours
  • 2 x Hydrotherapy Jet Pumps
  • Stainless Steel 5.5kW Heater
  • Multi-Coloured LED Lighting
  • Stainless Steel Jet Trim
  • iTouch Digital Controls
  • Individual Air Controls
  • Contoured Pillow Headrests
  • 5-Year Shell Structure Warranty
  • 3-Year Shell Surface Warranty
  • 3-Year Plumbing Warranty
  • 3-Year Equipment & Controls Warranty
  • 1-Year Cabinet Warranty
  • Optional SmartTub™ Cellular Control System


Seats6 - 7
Dimensions7′ x 7′ x 36″ (214 cm x 214 cm x 92 cm)
Spa Volume450 US Gal (1,703 litres)
Total Jets36 Jets (5 Varieties)

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